Sunday, July 11, 2010

moNEy!!! i nEeD u!!!!!!!

moneY moneY moneY moneY monEy moNey AND monEy....
whR the heLL aRe U!!!!!
i rEali neeD u..
cOz i waN tO buY mY tIng..
eSpecially a NeW
cUm herE faSt...
i'm waIting fOr u!!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

dYinG vEri faST!!!!

LOL...MId-tErm coming...How...i'm Scare lea...tat Day b.Math quIz...jSt 4 Question , n i Take 1 hour tO coMplete it...BUT...mOst of thE quesTion aNswer i cOpy fRm my Fren De...cOZ...i dON knW hoW to Do aT aLL!!!!!i Jst oNI kNw tO do 1 qUestIOn nia...i gOIn 2 b cRazy...i niD caTch up My maTH..iF nt , i GOin tO faIl mY MaTH!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

excepT mE...

uNI lIFE....vERi tOrturIng...
aNd VerI tIred tOO...
nOt biAsa wIf iT...
dURing oUr engLIsh clAz...
i daMn pRessure lo...
cOz moSt oF theM r bEtter dEn me...
the iMportAnt tiNg iS thY all sCore Gud rEsult in thr SPM...
eXcept mE....