Sunday, February 28, 2010

lIfE tImE

iT's tIme tO ReSt......

Saturday, February 27, 2010

mY stOry????mY liFE???

thr is a boy..he's nt veri tall , nt veri fat , nt tat clever in studies , bt he has a pure heart tat care abt fren...1 day , he find out tat the gal tat he love , is oso love by his best he feel confused n don knw wat to do...den he decide to gve up..n wish the gal wth his best fren cn have a hapi the boy waitting 4 the chance...Thx God...finally the boy had the chance to love the boy nw is ardy with another gal..hw...tat time the boy tink , izzit God plying wth the boy jst don care abt evryting..continue to move after a few month , the boy has alrdy break wth the gal he with...nt bcoz of the gal tat he love in the bcoz the boy is tired of everyting..these few month , the boy jst like living in the he finally out frm hell...Thx those day the boy with his ex...he still gt contact wth the gal he love in the past...jst seldom...coz the gal bz working...she nid to work frm morning till nite thy have less time to contact each other...the worst ting is thy nt even same sch...thy oni cn meet during 1 week oni cn meet the boy always appreciate the time he cn c the gal don knw the boy love her...she jst treat the boy as her the boy din sy much...the boy will miss tat gal veri much..coz he's goin to camp for three months..veri long the boy always tink , he n the gal wont get together coz he feel whn he told tat gal , tat he love her...the gal will feel shock...n the gal will sy ''r u kidding??'' the boy untill nw stil haven told the gal...coz he tink mayb nt the rite he jst sy oni..his heart still tinking , will the gal like him??will the gal accept him??..he cant stop tinking...he wori abt those 3 months ,he spend at camp , will tat gal accept other the time is running out 4 the boy...i jst hope the gal 1 day will knw tat the boy is waiting 4 her....


i jst feel every1 in tis world have their own limit...
bt i don have...
i tink i 'm too gud...
i cn help some1 , bt don care abt myself...
wat is tat mean???
izzit i care abt thm??
i still don understand someting...
y in tis world , ppl don knw hw to appreciate wat thy have??
whn thy lose thm , thy oni knw thy reali nid thm...
y izzit so funny..
y the boy love the gal , bt he cant tell the gal , he love her??
izzit the gal too cold...
izzit the boy wan to continue the relationship as fren??
don wan ruin his relationship wth tat gal...
bt i jst nw , i enjoying myself...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

aT LaSt..

nOW 3.25am....
stArT tO rAiN d...
tHx God..
at LaSt i feeL a Bit ReLax...
cOz NoW cN hEaR tHe RaIn drOp FrOm tHe SkY...
aNd i cN fEEl thE cOlD...
sUrE nIcE To SleeP..
i woNdEr hoW lOnG Cn iT lAst fOR...
hOpE i Cn hAve a gUd nIte SlEEp...

Monday, February 22, 2010


today after work , i went to have some drink with my lady boss...
i ask her...
Am i friendly??
Am i look fierce??
Am i look crazy sumtimes??
Am i Stupid ??
Am i lazy ??
Am i useless???
She answer me..
Do u have any problem???
i laugh like mad...
i Knw she will ask tat...
she sy...
1.i nt friendly at all
2.i look veri fierce , don like to smile
3.nt sumtime always...
4.ya...veri stupid...
5......veri useless...
i told her...
if like tat den i tink u the oni stupid boss who will employ me tis type of worker oni...
she ntg to sy....

Rain PLS.....

so hot...
hot until i nose bleeding...
fever lagi....
damn HENG.....
lose money still nid to sick....
nid take flower bath d...
wash all the bad ting away....
iF nT i WiLL dIE....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

bAd nEws aNd GuD nEwS...

>.< i gt two ting to say... i lose damn ''lucky''....jst 30minutes oni..i lose so much..zzz... doesn't matter anymore...i have to continue my life...i wont disturb u anymore...we jst end here...i believe nw i much happier den before...i no nid sad or wat...U STILL TREAT ME COLD , never fine 4 me...coz...i feel ntg anymore...mean I'm out of HELL....^^

ok...everyting settle...^^v..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


i tink nw my body is very weak...
coz everyday i jst slp 3 hours...
den i spend most of my time doing my own ting..
work , work , work...
nt oni tat...
nw i start to drink beer...
bt din mabuk la..
1 day jst eat 2 times..
dinner n surper...
den din exersice...
nw i veri fat d...
evrytime i went to work , i sure will drink a cup of coffee..
1 day at least 3 cup...
tat y my face go do facial oso the same...
den i eat a lot of panadol coz headache...
drink less water..
drink too much soft drink..
nw i tink i have to control everyting d...
if nt i will die faster...

i jSt wOnDeR..

i jst wonder , i still gt how long to live in tis world??
i jst wonder , whn i go tat day , whr will i be buried??
i jst wonder , if i kill someone , wat will happen to me??
i jst wonder , if i have a lot of money , whr i will be spend on??
i jst wonder , how long can i stand with the pressure i carry??
i jst wonder , can i be a vampire??
i jst wonder , am i a perfect guy ??
i jst wonder , y so many ppl scare n hate me??
i jst wonder , y some ppl treat me so gud??
i jst wonder , wat course should i take after i getting my result??
i jst wonder , how many A's i can score 4 my spm exam??

i jst wonder.......

Monday, February 8, 2010

cAn'T bEliEvE iT...

i alrdy find her bek...
i cant believe i can do tat..
coz i feel scare to find her..
thx God..
she reply..
nw mayb we jst a fren..
bt we nid time to knw each other more..
jst don look bek to the past..
tdy wat a shock..
u tell me , u feel sori to me..
i jst wan sy.. me to u..nt u to me..
mayb i don knw y u will feel sori to me... .
n i feel sori to u too..
coz i nt tat understand u...
i have to admit i reali feel regret to break with u..
coz my tinking was always negative..
at last don knw who rite ,who wrong..
bt i jst wan u knw i reali love u..
those day we din contact each other ,
i reali feel someting is missing in my life...
i jst don have the chance to tell u tat i reali miss u..n i reali love u..
nw we contact wth each other again..
i will appreciate these day i spend wth u..
coz thr is no guarantee i will together wth u again..
mayb u will find another better guy..
who knw..
i knw we always sms..
no time to meet n spend some time together...
coz u tis yar STPM..
n me working...
no time n no chance to meet...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


very tired tdy..nid to face a lot of ting in 1 day reali make me feel suck...u knw wat..(mayb u don knw)sometime i slp , whn i dream of u , i feel very hurt..everytime i tink of u , i feel wan to find u i don knw wat to do...y cant i jst fast recover n forget everyting..den everyting will b fine..izzit reali nid time to recover??or i jst cant let go??everyday i seeking 4 i cant find it...can i transfer my memory to other person??can i b some1 tat have no wori , no saddess , no burden , jst normal human n live wth happy life??

selling credit card??suck reali..i going to resign..altough i m helping my fren , bt reali suck..1 day cant sell a piece..zzz...tired..slp..

Monday, February 1, 2010

waT iS fReN??

FreN??i DoN KnW wHicH 1 iS mY rEAL fRen aCtuaLi..i Gt tWo tYpE oF FreN..fiRsT tYpE is liKe tO teAsE ppL..sEcOnd typE is tHoSe whO doN sPeak mUcH bT haVe a gUd tInKing..sO wHcH 1 iS ReaL fREn??i fEEl fUnny La sOmeTimE..iF i diN iNviTe ThM gO aNywHr , dEn tHy coMplAIn i Din InViTe thm..bT tHE prObLem iS oUr tImE nT sUitAblE at All..caNt u All uNdErstand..i HaVe mY oWn lIfE nW..i HaVE tHe chOiCe wHo i wAn to Mix wth..i Din miX wTh u aLL , iT dOesN't mEan i fOrgET u All or otHer ReaSon..I hAvE mY oWn ChOicEs...Bt aT leAsT nW , i kNw wHo aM i And WHo R u..hOPe u AlL unDersTand..if u All wANt tO tiNK baD aBt mE , uP tO U..i sPeaCeleSS nW..